Step Libraries

Step libraries are the mechanism for mapping step text to executable functions. Yadda supports both synchronous and asynchronous steps.

new Yadda.Library()
    .define('A synchronous step', function() {
        // Code goes here
    .define('An asynchronous step', function(next) {
        // Code goes here

Given / When / Then

    .given('some precondition', function() {
        // Code goes here
    .when('I do something', function() {
        // Code goes here
    .then('expect some result', function() {
        // Code goes here

While can write whatever steps you want, 'Given', 'Then' and 'When' steps are so common we've included localised shorthand methods. Several languages are supported.

Regular Expressions

Use regular expressions for fuzzy matching

new Yadda.library()
    .define('[Ss]etup a new user', function() {
        // Code goes here

Use actual regular expression objects to avoid escaping backslashes

new Yadda.library()
    .define(/[Ss]etup a new user/, function() {
        // Code goes here

Paramterised Steps

Use regular expressions with matching groups to extract parameters from the step text

    .given('a user called (\\w+)', function(name) {
        // Code goes here

Use terms to make your steps more friendly.

    .given('a user called $name', function(name) {
        // Code goes here

All the above steps are equivalent.

Multiline Steps

Scenario: Some title

    Given some csv
    First Name,Last Name,Age
var dictionary = new Yadda.Dictionary()
    .define('csv', /([^\u0000]*)/, csvConverter);

    .given('some csv\n$csv', function(csv) {
        // Code goes here

Multiline steps are appended to the preceding single line step, and should be used with a dictionary defintion and optional converter.

Step Aliases

    Given Bob has 1 book
    And Alice has 2 books
    .given(['$name has $num book', '$name has $num books'], function(name, number_of_books) {
        // Code goes here

Use Step aliases when you want to map multiple steps to the same function without writing complicated regular expressions.

Pending Steps

new Yadda.Library()
    .define('Some step')

Steps without a function are skipped.

Synchronous, Asynchronous or Promises

Yadda will make a decision on whether a step is sychronous or asynchronous based on the number of arguments to the step function. If the number of arguments match the number of step parameters, then the step is deemed to be synchronous. If there is one more argument than step parameter, then the step is deemed asynchronous and Yadda will supply a callback. If your step function returns a 'thenable' object, Yadda will assume it is a promise and invoke the then function.

Synchronous Step

    .given('a user called $name', function(name) {
        // Code goes here

Asynchronous Step

    .given('a user called $name', function(name, next) {
        // Code goes here

Promise Based Step

    .given('a user called $name', function(name) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            // Code goes here

Variadic Step

Occaisionally you may want to use variadic steps, in which case Yadda may not be able to determine whether the function is synchronous, asynchronous or promise based. In this case specify the step mode using the options parameter

    .given('a user called $name', function() {
        // Code goes here
        arguments[arguments.length - 1]()
    }, {}, { mode: 'async' });

results matching ""

    No results matching ""